Monday, October 12, 2009

Kent Lake and Oat Hill fire Road

Talk about a change in weather . . . . sunny and warm last week to bleak and forbidding this week:

Kent Pump Road goes west from Alpine dam.


Bone liquefiying climb up Old Vee Road is available:

There's not a God damned thing at the end except Kent Lake, whose God forsaken shores look like something out of a text book on depression.






Gettin a little Silence of the Lambs vibe here:

So maybe you can ride up Old Vee to Oat Hill Road and take the unmaintained Oat Hill trail down to the road. If not, it's a wasted 750 foot climb in a one mile run.

Here's the intersection with Oat Hill Road.  Go left, and it's two miles to Pine Ridge and thence to Pine Mtn. Loop or on to Repack.

Turn right, well this doesn't look good, but there's probably some kind of trail going down from the official end.

Come to think of it, that ranger fellow did say Oat Trail was impassable:

Christ, with this weather it's like a scene from King Lear up here. "Blow, winds . . . ."

Well maybe this goes somewhere.

Or maybe not. 

Son of a bitch! A cliff with what appears to be the world's larges poison oak grove at the bottom:

Now where the hell is Hansel and Gretel's house?

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