This place seems to conform to no known map or other system of coordinates. These pictures are from somewhere north of SFD and south of Nicasio Reservoid.
Not exactly sure where.
Photos from December 15, 2009. Views from Terra Linda Ridge.
Nothing like a cheery sign to set the tone:
I hope this is a dog's track:
Hetfield's Folly: praise the lord and pass they dynamite:p>
View to the east, Mt. Diablo in the background:
San Francisco:
December 5, 2009. This is from a test ride of a circuit for a moonlight ride on Bolinas Ridge. Timing is not great--full moon was on the second and it's waning fast. Last chance tomorrow night.
The idea was to avoid going up Shafter fire road, which is reserved for only the most dedicated masochists.
Not sure how great idea this is. It gets to the top of Shafter in maybe six miles instead of 1.7, but instead of one gradual climb it's a serious of flats connected by steep, rocky parts--with bookoo kow krap along the way--always a big selling point for a night ride.
And there sure are a lot of hills in this flight plan. They're everywhere!
And of course the welcoming top of Shafter: